Hundred-Character Inscription

by Lü Dongbin, Tang Dynasty translated by Zheng Zhen (郑震) Nurture your qi, forget idle words, and calm your mind, focusing on the art of doing without doing. Recognize the source of movement and stillness; when you have nothing to do, seek nothing and no one else. Truly respond to things, but don’t be disturbed […]

Posted on March 2, 2023 in Chinese Tao,poems by etaosite
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The Heart Seal Sutra of the Supreme Jade Emperor

translated by Zheng Zhen(郑震) There are three types of top-grade medicine: jing[i], qi[ii], and shen[iii]. In a state like dream and trance, everything is vague and obscure, indistinct and enigmatic. Through keeping to nonbeing and focusing on being, the efficacy can be attained in an instant. Blended with the returning wind of breath, the miraculous […]

The Classic Scripture of Constant Clarity and Tranquility Said by Lao-Tzu the Supreme Venerable Lord

translated by Zheng Zhen(郑震) Lao-Tzu said: The Great Tao is formless, yet it gives birth to both heaven and earth. The Great Tao is emotionless, yet it directs the movement of the sun and the moon. The Great Tao is nameless, yet it nourishes and sustains all things. I do not know its name, so […]