The Classic Scripture of Constant Clarity and Tranquility Said by Lao-Tzu the Supreme Venerable Lord

translated by Zheng Zhen(郑震)

Lao-Tzu said: The Great Tao is formless, yet it gives birth to both heaven and earth. The Great Tao is emotionless, yet it directs the movement of the sun and the moon. The Great Tao is nameless, yet it nourishes and sustains all things. I do not know its name, so I reluctantly call it Tao.

The Tao has aspects that are clear and turbid, moving and motionless. The sky is clear, and the earth is murky; the sky is in motion, and the earth is in stability. The masculine is clear, and the feminine is unclear; the masculine is in a state of activity, and the feminine is in a state of passive quietness. Originating from its source and flowing towards its end, the Tao gives birth to all things. Turbidity is the source of clarity, and stillness is the base of movement. If people can maintain constant clarity and tranquility, then the whole universe, including heaven and earth, will naturally return to and belong to them.

The spirit of man is naturally inclined towards clarity, but is often disturbed by mind. The mind of man prefers stillness, but is often distracted by desires. If man can constantly let go of their desires, the mind will become still. If man can constantly still their mind, the spirit will become clear. Naturally, the Six Desires[i] will not arise, and the Three Poisons[ii] will be eliminated. Those whose mind has not been stilled and whose desires have not been let go cannot do this. Those who can do so, inwardly observe their minds and see that their minds are devoid of thought, outwardly observe their bodies and find that their bodies are formless, observe things from a distance and realize that everything has no real existence. Once they have understood these three things, they see only emptiness. Observing emptiness, even emptiness is also emptied, and emptiness has nothing to empty. Once emptiness is voided, non-void is also voided. Once non-void is also voided, everything becomes tranquil and silent. Once silence has nothing to silence, how can desires arise? When desires don’t arise, true stillness is achieved. In this everlasting verity, all things are naturally responded to and the true human nature is found here. In the state of clarity and tranquility, one can gradually enter the true Tao. Once they have entered the true Tao, they are said to have attained the Tao. Although it is called attaining the Tao, in reality, there is really nothing to attain. It is only called attaining the Tao for the sake of education and transformation of all sentient living beings. Those who can comprehend this teaching can pass on the sacred Tao.

Lao-Tzu said: The superior person does not engage in contention, while the inferior person is always at odds. The superior virtue is in fact not virtuous, but the inferior virtue clings to virtue. Those who cling to things do not understand the Tao and its virtue. The reason why sentient beings cannot attain the true Tao is that they are plagued by deluded minds. When the mind is deluded, the spirit is disturbed. When the spirit is disturbed, things are attached to. When things are attached to, greedy desires arise. Greedy desires mean vexation. Vexation and delusional thoughts bring physical and mental pain to their body and mind, causing suffering. They will experience nothing but defilements and humiliations, and will wander constantly in the cycle of birth and death, sinking deep into the bitter ocean of suffering, and losing access to the true Tao forever. The true path of the Tao is found by those who awaken to it themselves, and those who awaken to it are always in a state of clarity, calmness, serenity, and tranquility.


Comments by some Taoist masters:

The Taoist immortal Ge Hong said: I attained the true Tao by reciting this scripture ten thousand times. This scripture is practiced by gods and humans, and is not taught to the common people. I received it from Emperor Donghua, who received it from Emperor Jinque, who received it from the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West passed it down orally without any written records. Now I have transcribed it while I am in this world. A superior person who truly understands it will ascend to become heavenly officials; a middle person who practices it will be listed among the immortals in the Southern Palace; and an inferior person who learns it will live a long life in the world. They will travel through the Three Realms[iii] and ascend to the Golden Gate of Heaven.

Zuo Xuan zhenren said: Those who study the Tao should recite this scripture, and they will obtain the support of good celestial spirits dwelling in the ten spheres of heaven. Then, the jade talisman will protect their spirit, and the golden fluid elixir will refine their body. The combination of their body and spirit will be marvelous, and they will attain true harmony and Oneness with the Tao.

ZhengYi zhenren Zhang Daoling said: Those who owe this scripture in their houses and comprehend it will be free from calamities and disasters, and protected by the saints. Their spirits will ascend to the heavenly realm and pay homage to the high lords. When their merits and virtues are completely fulfilled, they will be recognized and touched by the Divine Deity Emperor. By constantly reciting and upholding it, they will not regress and their bodies will soar on purple clouds.



[i] Six Desires: a classification of emotions in ancient China. It generally refers to the desire of sight (eyes, craving for beautiful and strange things), desire of hearing (ears, craving for beautiful sounds and compliments), desire of smell (nose, craving for fragrance), desire of taste (tongue, craving for delicious food), desire of touch (body, craving for comfort and enjoyment), and desire of thought (mind, craving for beauty, fame, fortune, and love).

[ii] Three Poisons: Refers to greed, anger, and ignorance.

[iii] Three Realms: In Taoism, it refers to the three realms of heaven, earth, and human beings.














[i] 六欲:中国古代区分感情的一种分类。一般指见欲(眼,贪美色奇物)、听欲(耳,贪美音赞言)、嗅欲(鼻,贪香味)、味欲(舌,贪美食口快)、触欲(身,贪舒适享受)、意欲(意,贪声色、名利、恩爱)。

[ii] 三毒:指贪、嗔、痴。

[iii] 三界:道教以天界、地界、人界为三界。

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