The Heart Seal Sutra of the Supreme Jade Emperor

translated by Zheng Zhen(郑震)

  1. There are three types of top-grade medicine: jing[i], qi[ii], and shen[iii]. In a state like dream and trance, everything is vague and obscure, indistinct and enigmatic.
  2. Through keeping to nonbeing and focusing on being, the efficacy can be attained in an instant. Blended with the returning wind of breath, the miraculous kongfu can be achieved after one hundred days of practice. In silent meditation on and worship to the Heavenly Lord, one can ascend as an immortal in twelve years.
  3. Those who understand can easily grasp the idea, while those who are ignorant find it hard to practice.
  4. By walking in the heavenly light and breathing to nurture purity and clarity, one comes out of the realm of yang and goes into the realm of yin, where sometimes something appears and in another moment it vanishes, as if you have both gained and lost something. This state should last continuously and endlessly, with its root deeply entrenched.
  5. Each individual has their own jing, which should be combined with their shen in oneness, which should be combined with their qi in oneness, which should be combined with their true essence in oneness. Without true essence, all is merely in a forced and pretended name, all is in vain.
  6. Shen is capable of entering into rocks, and shen is capable of making the physical form to fly. It does not drown in water, nor burn in fire.
  7. Shen relies on form for its birth, and jing relies on qi for its fullness. If they don’t wither or decay, the result will be youthfulness and longevity, like evergreen and ageless pine and cypress trees.
  8. The three types of medicine in one truth is wonderful and indescribable. When gathered, they appear and exist; when scattered, they are gone and disappear without a trace.
  9. The seven orifices[iv] are interconnected, and each emits bright light. The sacred sun and the sacred moon illuminate the golden chamber.
  10. Once obtained, the effect is forever obtained, and the body naturally becomes light. The Great Harmony fills and overflows, and the bones dissolve in a cool jade-like sight.
  11. Obtaining the elixir brings forth magic and miracles, without it, there is only collapse. The elixir is inside the body, and it is neither white nor blue.
  12. Reciting this sutra ten thousand times, its profound and marvelous truth will become clear by itself.



[i]jing: Quintessence substance that exists in a solid or liquid form in the human body, such as seminal fluid. Jing, qi and shen are called the Three Treasures by taoists.

[ii] qi: Gaseous substance that has no fixed shape or volume and can freely spread, which enables human organs to function, such as the air humans breathe.

[iii] shen: Mysterious and magical something related to human thinking, consciousness, and spiritual activities.

[iv] seven orifices: Refers to two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and one mouth on human head.

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